Our first week in school has been exciting and we wanted all the children to feel safe and happy within their learning environments. We started our PSED sessions by exploring our boundaries and discussing the behaviour expectations we have within our setting.
All the children learnt the ground rules, linking to our behaviour system across the entire school. We explained that we follow these rules to keep us all safe and happy while attending school.
The children were amazing at sharing their own ideas of how to keep each other safe. We have created a display to help remind us each day and help reinforce positive behaviour.
I am Special
We have been focusing on the ‘all about me’ aspect of Personal, Social and Emotional Development. We have encouraged the children to talk to others about how we are all different and how this makes us special and unique.
As a class, we shared all the different and amazing things that we can do. The children described themselves in positive terms and talked about their own abilities. This has really help us to learn all about our new friends.
During PSED sessions, we have been exploring our feelings and emotions.
We started this theme by linking colours to different emotions such as pink for feeling loved and yellow for feeling happy.
We have used the amazing book ‘The huge bag of worries’ where children explored this emotion. They looked at different facial expressions and gestures to explain to other people how we are feeling.
The children discussed what made them feel worried and shared ways to make us feel better, such as speak to an adult or friend. The children recognised how important it is to talk to adults who we trust and who can help us feel better such as parents, family members and teachers.
We highlighted to all children that there is no such thing as a bad feeling ‘FEELINGS ARE FEELINGS, NOT GOOD, NOT BAD, RIGHT OR WRONG’.
This week our topic was ‘Bullying’ We used the brilliant story ‘The Little Bully ‘ by Adam and Charlotte Guillain to introduce the types of behaviour which we relate to bullying. We discussed with our talking partners about what we thought bullying was and if we had felt that we had been bullied before. All the children showed super understanding that people can make mistakes within their behaviour and actions, however, bullying is when someone continues to demonstrate this unacceptable behaviour towards others. We went on to design posters to promote a greater awareness of Bullying within our learning environments.
During the Autumn Term, our PE sessions have been focussing on showing increasing control over a ball. The children all shared how much they enjoyed football, so we used the school field to practise our ball skills. The children were taught how to dribble the ball, pass to partner and how to score a goal. The children also got lots of practise to adjust their speed and change direction to avoid other players.
Inside the children have been building their confidence and skills to travel around, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
The children loved the benches, wiggling under them like snakes and walking over the top of the benches like a ‘walk the plank’ situation.
The hula hoops were an added extra linked to the children’s own interest and idea for learning.
We have continued with our ball skills and developing an increasing control over the football. This week we worked with partners, kicking, and passing to our friends. Each child stopped the ball with their foot before passing back to their partner.
The children enjoyed their Autumn Dance experience. We listened to instrumental music and told a story through movement of the leaves falling off the trees. The children experimented with different forms of movement, to represent the trees swaying in the breeze and the leaves floating in the air. This dance performance demonstrated how well the children have understood what happens within the Autumn Season.
We decoded that we would like to make the most of the lovely weather, so we created a running club to help keep us fit and healthy. We have continued to explain to the children how important it is to have good practice with regards to exercise and a lot of our class have told us how they enjoy running with their family.
When taking part in our running club, the children were having the opportunity to negotiate space successfully and adjust speed and direction while contributing to good health.
During our learning about Bonfire Night, the children talked about all the amazing sounds and movements that fireworks created. We took this idea and incorporated it into our dancing session. The children especially enjoyed using the coloured cloths as part of their firework, swinging it around and throwing them into the air like exploring fireworks.
Inside the children have continued to build their confidence and skill to travel around, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
This week we added the big mat which provided opportunity for children to roll in a safe manner. The children were taught how to jump and land safely, which they all enjoyed doing. The opportunity to balance on one leg was an added extra, linked to their own interest and idea for learning.
During our Diwali celebrations, we watched a fantastic video called ‘Let’s celebrate the five days of Diwali’. We were taught dance movements to represent each stage of the celebrations, such as fireworks and Rangoli patterns.