School Council

Year 6


Erin and Harry

Year 5


 Emma and Grace

Year 4


Merryn and Noah

Year 3


Ally and Amiyah

Year 2


Finley and Emily

Year 1


Skye and Ethan

Our School Councillors are appointed each year democratically by their classmates. They represent their peers at termly council meeting by sharing the ideas and proposals they have discussed in class.
Each class has a School Council Meetings book which they use to record the class suggestions and to report back the actions from the school council meetings.
So far this year our School Councillors have submitted lots of proposals which have already been implemented and which include: additional playtime equipment; new lunchtime clubs (colouring club, construction club, dance club); more time for each class to enjoy the school field (even during the wetter months when children brought in additional footwear).
We are all very proud of the way the school councillors communicate with their classes and bring class ideas and suggestions to meetings with such enthusiasm.