FoBIPS is an important part of the community of our school and our village. Our band of volunteers is committed to supporting our school through fund-raising, community events, and providing experiences for our pupils. We encourage all parents to get involved in supporting the school through FoBIPS and appreciate the contributions you bring - whether by attending events or helping out where you can. Follow our Facebook Page for updates about forthcoming events. 

FoBIPS supports the school by running termly discos for pupils, gift rooms for special occasions, bake sales, raffles at the infant nativity and junior play, a welcome BBQ, the Christmas light switch on as well as its two main events: the Summer and Christmas fayres. 

Through their fundraising, FoBIPS has been able to supply the school with both experiences such as in-school theatre days, topic exploration days, trips to the theatre or local historical attractions and equipment such as iPads, a playground pirate ship, musical instruments, children’s outdoor gym equipment and various small treats for pupils like ice-pops on sports day.

Where time allows the FoBIPS team also assists with setting up and clearing away after large school events such as cross country, sports day, prize giving assemblies and parents evenings.

Anyone interested in getting more involved in the future, should contact Donna Davenport (chair of FoBIPS) at, who would be more than happy to talk to you about what opportunities there are to get involved.