Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Provision at our school

Bishops Itchington Primary School is a mainstream school that strives to provide the best learning opportunities for all children. Our core values promote an inclusive school community. We recognise that all children are individuals who have different learning needs and we work hard to ensure they are given the right balance of support and challenge in their learning and join in with enriching experiences to build their cultural capital.

How does our school identify and assess SEND?

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator manages SEND provision by liaising with parents, school staff and specialist advisors from the Local Authority and Health Service.  Our school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators are Mrs. Jacky Sykes and Mrs. Ilsley. They can be reached by contacting the school office on 01926 612297 or by email: bishopsitchington@stowevalley.com.

Throughout the school, we continually monitor and assess the progress of all our children. We track the progress of children, and where expected progress is not being made, steps and interventions are put in place to support areas of need. We also work closely with our own Ladybirds Pre-school to identify any special educational needs children may have prior to them joining us, in order to ensure they receive the correct support from the start. The SENDCo at Ladybirds' Preschool is Maxine Taylor.

If parents have any concerns at all regarding the progress of their child - or believe they may have an area of special educational need - then we would urge them to talk to their child’s class teacher or our SENDCo/Headteacher. Parents can also gain important advice and support from The Family Information Service: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fis

How does our school provide support for children with SEND?

Our SENDCo, supported by the SEND Governor, regularly checks how well SEND support is helping children in our school. Children’s progress is assessed on an on-going basis so we can understand the impact that interventions have had on children’s learning.

Through monitoring, observing and assessing a child’s needs, staff work together with the SENDCo to put in place appropriate support and provision. The progress of all children is monitored termly and in both the autumn and spring terms, Parents Evenings are held, to discuss how children are doing. Children with SEND are set individual targets recorded on an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which is shared and reviewed with parents. In the summer term, all parents receive an end of year written report, detailing progress within all areas of learning and parents are invited to discuss this with their child’s class teacher. In addition, we have an ‘open door’ policy and encourage parents to discuss any concerns they may have as and when they occur, in person with their child’s class teacher or through our SeeSaw APP or on occasions a home/school diary is established. Parents are also invited to contact our SENCo/Head of School whenever they wish.

If a child has a complex SEND a Statement of SEND or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be put in place, which means a formal meeting will be held annually to discuss progress and a report will be written.

Class-based learning is adapted for all children in our school. Some individual targets are supported within lessons by the class teacher or a Teaching Assistant, others may be supported outside of a lesson through a specific intervention programme which may be delivered by a trained Teaching Assistant.

Teachers work hard to ensure work is adapted for children, providing appropriate support and challenge. Assessments are made continually to ascertain children’s current understanding and programmes of work devised to build on that. We aim to deliver a stimulating and exciting curriculum in a multi-sensory way that engages all children and where necessary, children are supported by a Teaching Assistant. We also aim to make sure our learning environment meets all our children’s needs.

As a school, we highly value the benefit of education outside of the classroom and believe that all children should have the opportunity to participate in these experiences. Prior to any trips, a pre-visit is made by staff and a risk assessment is carried out, which considers the needs of children with SEND. Where necessary, we meet with parents to discuss any additional support that may be required. We also aim to ensure all children have the chance to be part of lunch time or after school clubs.

The emotional and social well being of our children is a priority. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) provides the opportunity for children to discuss issues such as positive relationships, self-esteem and teamwork within the curriculum. We also have Teaching Assistants who are able to offer additional support in the form of social groups. Where necessary, specific plans are put in place to support a child’s wellbeing and/or behaviour in these cases parents are consulted.

How can parents contact the SEN Coordinator?

Our SENCOs are Jacky Sykes and Kelly Ilsley who can be contacted through the school office.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by our school?

We have links with a wide range of outside agencies who offer specific guidance and support to our school and families. These include:

  • Educational Psychologist

  • Therapists including those for Speech and Language, Occupational and Physio

  • Advisors including those for Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and Physical Disabilities

  • Primary Behaviour Service

  • Health Services including School Nurse and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

  • Specialist Teaching Service (STS)

  • Wellbeing Counsellor

We seek support from outside agencies for staff and families whenever it is needed. We have an experienced SENCo overseeing provision within our school and an effective team of Teaching Assistants. Staff training is ongoing to ensure the school is kept up to date with any changes and priorities. The training needs within our school reflect the needs of the staff and children we work with. Our SENDCo meets regularly with SENCos from other local schools and within Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust.

How accessible is our school?

Reasonable adjustments have been made to improve accessibility. Our school site is wheelchair accessible with a disabled toilet. Risk assessments are in place to ensure the safety of all children when they are using facilities such as our play equipment or local swimming pool.

Who can parents contact for further information?

If parents are unsure about any of the support or provision being made for their child, they should not hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment with their child’s class teacher or SENDCo/Head of School. If parents feel their concern is not resolved through this process, they should refer to our Complaints Procedure which can be found on our school website.

Parents can also access the Family Information Service, who can also assist in giving advice relating to the education of children with special needs.

How will the school prepare and support children who join the school or transfer to a new school?
The transfer to a new school can be an anxious time for both child and parent and we encourage visits to our school before applying. Careful planning is made for all children but for children with SEND, an additional transition plan may be put in place. This will generally include early discussions with the school they are coming from or going to and any external agencies who are providing existing support. Parents are involved in transition discussions so that the needs of the child and any particular concerns are shared. Staff at the new school then meet with the child and specific visits are often planned, allowing the child to familiarise themselves with the learning environment and the staff who will be working with them.

What is the purpose of this report?

This information report has been written in conjunction with and links to the Local Authority local offer, which is available online at http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/sen


If you have any concerns regarding SEND please email bishopsitchington@stowevalley.com